"O"  di OlioPop

"O" for OlioPop

*OLIOPOP THE MANIFESTO* is a series of considerations written in 2016, for the most part.

This is the formalization of a completed path, of a review of the company's goals, of the reference market, of our ethical and ideological positioning.

We are reposting it here, just as it was published on our old blog in 2016. Because we are always OlioPop, if possible even more!

Sooner or later we'll make a series of t-shirts :) or a serious corporate poster!


Organic farm La Poppetta, this is our original name, the name of the largest olive grove.
The story behind the name is funny: La Poppetta is a tuff terrain that was originally used for threshing cereals (barley, wheat, etc.) by the Farnese community. To make it suitable for hosting the first 400 Caninese olive trees, the terrain was dug up and refined (with caterpillars, an event for the time), until it reached the necessary consistency.
It is said that three generations ago, Giuseppe Mezzabarba, once the work was finished, took a handful of earth and exclaimed: "Now it's a little poppet!", indicating the acquired sweetness and 'softness' of the ready soil.
for the olive growing system.

Where else could Poppetta go, seventy years later, if not towards OlioPop?
Nomen omen, as they would have said in ancient times.
This is a necessary premise to begin the journey through the concepts contained in OlioPop.

The first of these concepts is truth.
The distance between consumer and producer is, in the best of cases, filled by communication, which should in all respects offer a substitute for
participation. Aren't you here to see how the oil that you will then put on the table is produced? Through the website, photos, social media and so on, I try to make you understand what is happening, what we do, how we do it.
It's good. Is it bad?
In the words of Slavoj Zižek (The Epidemic of the Imagination) “ How can we, today, escape the flood of images, news, media information, or even simulated realities? Where is the authenticity to which we can definitively anchor a newfound faith in ourselves and in the reality that surrounds us ?”

Truth is the sister of ethics on the side of the one who communicates, and of trust on the side of the one who receives. As producers, we try to be crystal clear, the goal to achieve is that those who follow us and get informed and participate through a screen have the same image as those who come to visit us in the company, those who walk amidst the din of the olive oil machines in motion at the mill or those who venture among our olive trees. We try to give an image that is not so much appetizing and saleable, but true!
As consumers, we demand the same. Clarity, truth. For example, which is perhaps easier to grasp, that a mega industrial garden does not present itself with the image of the small garden behind the house, cultivated wearing overalls and a straw hat amidst the chirping of birds.
Again a true image, not detached from reality!
Knowing what you are buying and from whom you are buying is a sacrosanct right.
So that those who want to choose can do so.
For everything else there is the baby supermarket.

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