Of Peter Pan and degrowth
*OLIOPOP THE MANIFESTO* is a series of considerations written in 2016, for the most part.
This is the formalization of a completed path, of a review of the company's goals, of the reference market, of our ethical and ideological positioning.
We are reposting it here, just as it was published on our old blog in 2016. Because we are always OlioPop, if possible even more!
Sooner or later we'll make a series of t-shirts :) or a serious corporate poster!

We do not want to grow, except in experience and sincerity.
Just today we are finishing pruning two small olive groves, a little unlucky, a little wrong. Planted a little too close together, or on terraces built on a slope, less productive than the others, for this reason a little
neglected, then neglected altogether.
A vicious circle of neglect and lack of production, which can be interrupted, which we have decided to interrupt this year through a courageous, in some way radical, attempt.
One could say, let's pay attention to our suburbs, to what we are, where we come from, and where we want to go.
The mirage of growth, through its blind and trite clichés, would force us to abandon what does not produce according to standards to turn elsewhere, sudden solutions, apparently easy, fast above all. Without ever questions, only action, without ever stopping.
And this is because there is one and only one direction: increase the reference markets, increase production, acquire new customers, modify the plants to produce more, and consequently have to acquire new markets for... in short, an infinite spiral in which the further you move away from the center, the more the structure becomes unsafe.
Armed with good shoes and willpower, we decided instead to follow the spiral, our little spiral, in reverse, stopping, decreasing, consolidating, observing every curve, every stone, every plant, every bottle of oil. And we decided to become heroes of the descent, cultivating the power to stop and enter into ourselves, pruning, pruning (metaphorically and not!) all the superfluous, all the fake and the many superstructures, to arrive at a bright and very solid core, a simple and linear structure, in the Roventina, in the Pannelli style, in a polyconic vase as our pruners would say. Our center!
The plants we have pruned are now a bit bare, they have lost the weight of the wrong choices of the past years, they open up to their well-being, to a future of solidity and, we hope, full of possibilities, a future built on the choices of simplicity that we make today. After all, we can and want to wait, we can and want to observe the fruit of our choices. Which are not choices of that kind of growth there, careless.
Could it be Peter Pan syndrome?
Or will it just be about slowing down the mad rush and taking to heart what nourishes us, what surrounds us, according to a comprehensive, global, balanced perspective?
***sometimes there is so much to say…bear with the flights of fancy!***