Di "biologico" e altri fraintendimenti

On "organic" and other misunderstandings

*OLIOPOP THE MANIFESTO* is a series of considerations written in 2016, for the most part.

This is the formalization of a completed path, of a review of the company's goals, of the reference market, of our ethical and ideological positioning.

We are reposting it here, just as it was published on our old blog in 2016. Because we are always OlioPop, if possible even more!

Sooner or later we'll make a series of t-shirts :) or a serious corporate poster!


The deeper we delve into OlioPop, the more evident the monolithic size of this manifesto becomes. A well-rounded image of who we are, how we cultivate, how we transform, how we relate and how we sell, which nevertheless proves to be univocal, very solid. Never before has it been so clear to us.

Talking about organic today, especially today, brings us back to the concept of truth, discussed a few episodes ago.

Today we talk and talk too much about natural, organic, integrated, respectful, sustainable. We talk and talk too much, in fact. Until no one knows what they are talking about anymore. Until the chatter is so far removed from the core* (said in English and Roman), from the core, from the essence.

Like the organic convenience foods in the refrigerated section of the supermarket. Which are as far from the idea of ​​organic as EGS-zs8-1, the galaxy farthest from Earth.

As is the search for organic and natural products at Eataly. Which is most likely even further away than EGS-zs8-1, which is 13 billion light years away!

The distrust in organic is linked to the same ailments from which OlioPop distances itself, from the beginning to the end. From the same blunders and errors. From the same lack of awareness. From the branches that move away improbably from the tree, from all brand and no roast, from the lack of truth in favor of a sparkling communication, from translating a niche product into a product for

rich. And not just for the rich, but for the distracted rich, who are satisfied with a nice container, and a high price, as long as it is high.

Damn marketing. That brainwashed us.

OlioMezzabarba has been organic since 1992. And with each passing year, the awareness of the right direction (unique (!) one might say) becomes stronger.

We try to forget what happened from the 1960s onwards by engaging in selective memory loss.

Let's forget the abuse (and not the use, mind you) of machines, let's forget the abuse of drugs, agrochemicals, synthetic fertilizers. Let's forget the loss of sight, which for many decades has calendarized the relationship with the earth. In March we do this, on June 15th that other thing. Let's forget that we are not familiar with observation and we throw ourselves into observing, touching, walking two hundred times a year that piece of olive grove there or that piece of cherry orchard there.

And we are not looking for an anachronistic Arcadia. No. It's just a matter of respect, you know.

Respect for the land/territory that made us what we are. Respect for the truth that educates us, at every step. Respect for our oil, which is yes, niche! Niche and we say it loud, after having denied the very existence of this word for at least a few years. Dedicated precisely to the niche of curious people and consumers, who give us importance, and strength, who give importance to the way of doing, to the way of choosing, who are not distracted and are not satisfied with a beautiful package/communication.

On the contrary! The beautiful packaging is completely superfluous. What counts is the core. The core and nothing else.

*core: (centre of a planet) centre, nucleus; (centre of a fruit) kernel; (figurative) essential part, kernel, core, heart, essence.

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