10 years of solidarity oil with SONG-TAABA ONLUS
10 years of OLIO SOLIDALE are not just a nice round number, 10 years are a small miracle made of drops of oil, bruschetta, salads, sauces that – without knowing it – change and have changed for the better the lives of many people born with a few fewer rights than us ... a miracle created together with SongTaaba and together with every solidarity gourmet.
With the proceeds from the solidarity oil, 10 years ago, in December 2012, we began to build the foundations of the School Complex in Zianiarè, that Complex – drop by drop – was completed and is for many students, a place where they can learn to read, write, and acquire professional training.
From 2012 to 2017, the proceeds from the solidarity oil were used not only to support the work at the Polo Scolastico but also for scholarships for children and young people unable to access education and to support micro-craft projects through microcredit. And also to support, from 2012 to today, the activity of doctor and trainer of Dr. Chiara Castellani in Congo. With the proceeds from the oil we were able to support prevention projects, scholarships for nursing training, acquire medical surgical material, contribute to projects to combat malnutrition.
From 2018 to today , the proceeds from the solidarity oil have been used for the construction of the IT Center in Fadà (of which 2 of the 4 planned rooms have been built), we have supported the costs for the fencing and irrigation system of the Daniel Educational Nursery and we have been able to cover the costs for the supplies of drugs and surgical/medical material destined for the hospital in Kiev.
To book : send an email to segreteria@song-taabaonlus.org, the oil can be delivered to your home by Song-Taaba volunteers (for an additional cost to cover expenses) or it must be collected on site on the day indicated in the booking confirmation email (please respect the established day because we are no longer able to manage collections on different days).
More info on SongTaaba: https://song-taabaonlus.blogspot.com/